A woman’s appeal

Israeli-Palestinian project

Love is deep. Pain is not. It is wide and encompassing but not deep. Love is deep. Everything rests on it. Everything stems from it..  It is the only real thing that gives life, that is life itself.


A series of interviews with Arab and Jewish women, who believe in the power of humanity, and in deep responsibility for prosperity and life-giving energy. The interviews will become a book that will be distributed around the world. The target audience of the book is people who know intuitively and from their own life experience, that there is another possibility to live this life and that love is our nature. 


We recognize the ability of women to make profound and significant turning points in the relations between the Jewish and Palestinian peoples whose lives are intertwined.

Deep in our hearts we feel the pain, fear and mistrust that fill our lives and see that the voice of women and the unique way in which women think and act, have a special and vital role to play in this time period.”


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