The best answer we have found for this is – because money is still a major player in our reality, we want to look at it with new eyes and perception. Here, you pay because you’re a part of something bigger. Because you want to. Because you love. Because we’re walking this life with the other, through the other and because of the other. 




If there is no real “give and take” relationship, because everything is one, then who needs to pay whom? If the content and services in the website are not conditioned by any kind of reward, and the knowledge is not a product nor property, why should you pay at all? 


For financial support:


Paypal – 


You can also visit our Wishing Box and Co in various ways.  


Your will to inquire the realm of money will be another way

by which we can all renew and live more and more out of

What Really Is and not out of old fixed patterns and methods.


*** Thank you ***


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The best answer we have found for this is – because money is still a major player in our reality, we want to look at it with new eyes and perception. Here, you pay because you’re a part of something bigger. Because you want to. Because you love. Because we’re walking this life with the other, through the other and because of the other. 

To bring forward the playfulness needed for a real inquiry you’re invited to Co via one of three ways:

  • You can pay a Suggested Sum decided by us. (Not everyone wants to play. We get that) 
  • You can encounter an Intuitive Sum – This is an opportunity for those of you who want to create a new and more playful and creative relationship with money. 
  • You can enter our Wishing Box and Co in various ways. 

Your will to inquire the realm of money will be another way by which we can all renew and live more and more out of What Really Is and not out of old fixed patterns and methods.

  • For now, we are managing the website, it is an organic shared space. What will happen and how it will develop will be by way of revelation. Because really there is no other way. 

Coing / Taking part

In order to live What Really Is, concerning money, we need to recognize the truth: There cannot be any economical model because a model is an invention, a concept, and it is exactly what we are NOT here to do.

A model or a system, are ways of trying to put things into order and make it “easier” for us to move inside the magnificent motion of life’s mystery. This motion is What Really Is and this is what we’re here to celebrate. Therefore, any attempt to create an order will draw us away from our basic wish and commitment to come from a deep listening of what is asked of us, by the intangible true wisdom, at this very moment. 

Ok ok, and what about Money? (?!)

Money is also something we’ve invented, created ground rules and gave meanings to, so how would that fit with What Really Is? We came up with the term Coing which expresses the essence of how to do things out of knowing that everything is one and I am a part of it. Always. Truely.

If there is no real “give and take” relationship, because everything is one, then who needs to pay whom? If the content and services in the website are not conditioned by any kind of reward, and the knowledge is not a product nor property, why should you pay at all? 


Participate in your own way

Your will to inquire the realm of money will be another way
by which we can all renew and live more and more out of what really is.
Thank you!