Recommendation – How to read the words in the New Dictionary:
A word is a vessel through which essence, energy passes. The word is never the thing itself.
What is the real “thing”? It is good to answer this question in silence.
Therefore the invitation to this dictionary is “tricky”; it seems like it tries to replace one “definition” with another “definition” but it does not. This dictionary is an opportunity to look at a word from a different perspective than we are used to. And ask what is the essence of this word, coming from the mystery? From nature? From the inconceivable knowing that everything is one, everything is motion and I am a part of it?
From here you will find that the new “definition” sometimes sounds poetic or even irritating to the mind, because it cannot understand it. It’s OK. Let the words be a tool and listen to the energy that passes through them. That’s exactly what we came here to do.
Coming out of the knowing that everything is connected and everything is in motion:
With a more awakened view, we can see that there is no such thing as separation.
No matter how far I go, no matter how hard I try to put up barriers, no matter how much I try to defend, warn and be vigilant – I am one with everything. One body, one soul, one movement, one nature.
The reality created: This view allows me to see that when I wake up from the illusion that separation is possible, I will begin to move in oneness with the world, and happiness and harmony will naturally occur.
“I must create a separation between him and me in order to be me.”
We got used to thinking that…
Separation is an action meant to create distance between two things with the hope that this way, and only this way, damage to one or both of them can be prevented.
The reality created: Reinforcing the assumption that connection or union is dangerous leads to more separation, more fear, more belief in danger and more distancing, leaving us living a constant sense of threat and the mistaken belief that we are far enough away that nothing will reach us.
:More on the website
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Love Recommendation – How to read the words in the New Dictionary: A word is a vessel through which essence, energy passes. The word is
Chapter 3 – Generators of What Really Is
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